Story Design: A Problem-Oriented Approach

The following is an introduction to a book that I have written, “Story Design: A Problem-Oriented Approach“.  You can obtain it on if it is of interest to you.


Writing a novel requires knowledge of more than the writing of words. This book defines a problem-oriented approach to story design, its structure, and how to develop one. A clear, concise, complete view is presented that when applied creates a design for implementing (writing) a novel or short story.

This approach integrates knowledge from the engineering community into the writing of stories and this brings the benefits of engineering to the writing community. Writing a novel is a significant effort, something which the engineering community deals with on similar and larger scales. Using this book will bring this experience to your story development efforts.

Care has been taken to identify and describe concepts and elements of writing related to story design and to make them easy to understand and apply. Your work will be facilitated and enhanced by application of this approach.

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